Sunday 6 February 2011

Out and About

Get kidnapped to go for usual walk along Long Rock Beach. Get out of car into teeth of howling gale.... well ... bit noisy gale. I get back into car while The Old Man stomps off to exercise hisself.

He gets back and admits it is a bit much. We drive a very long way round back home and stop off at Copperhouse Pool in Hayle for another attempt at walking, this time out of the way of the southerly gusts. It's pretty good but eventually the wind finds us.

As one lady on her mobility scooter shouts ... speeding into the teeth of the wind on her return "run" with the dog:

"Bit different this way round!..."

Heard a curlew calling which made my walk worthwhile. See lots of duck, including shelduck, and one MP in winter plumage.

I want to shout: "You haven't replied to my email about selling off the forests.... I know you voted for it!"

But I'm too polite. (My problem always.)

At home, in the garden - snowdrops and hellebore are starting to flower.

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