Wednesday 27 April 2011

S-S-Steam Thinking: Japanese Anime, Goth-Lolis, etc.

Thought I'd bounce around up here again for a bit.

Cos I am reading up about Steampunk in Wikipedia... and the article mentions Hayao Miyazaki's anime, in particular "Howl's Moving Castle", and I do really love that one cos I never grow up (Click the link for a trailer viewing.)

And I am thinkin that maybe there's a steampunk connection with the Japanese street fashion thing of girls dressing in pseudo Victorian stuff. We are talkin Goth-Lolis here - "Gothic Lolitas".

So I should enjoy the film "Steamboy" . But sadly I don't. I remember quite a lot of "Bang! Bang! You're dead". So much so, that I get bored with it. I also think that the film is package heavy, content light. And the trailer (click on the "Steamboy" link above) shows that it does indeed look very sumptuous and kind of breath-taking and also...well.... Steampunkish.

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