Friday 5 October 2012

A Night Out With The "Wah! Wah! Girls"

So I did see "Wah!Wah!Girls" at the Hall for Cornwall last night. Finishes tomorrow, Saturday 6th October, mind. And I did enjoy it. The Old Man was a bit more picky about it. But... picky is what he does. Cast be good and the older leads very much so. I did very much enjoy Rina Fatania's irrepressible "Bindi". The sets are ingenious, relying on photographs on gauze and frame-worked movable pieces of set like a "25 Bus". And also of course I do like bright colours, lights, glitter, music and dance and the occasional bit of puppetwork. Well. I would wouldn't I. A modern story by playwright Tanika Gupta with music by Niraj Chag and directed by KneeHigh's Emma Rice. All very fine by me though it has to be said the show's reviews have been a bit patchy.

But going out for the evening be a bit difficult in rural Cornwall. On a night of driving rain and gusty winds... a twenty-five mile car trip.... No high heels and high fashion, I'm afraid. But not sure if The Old Man can get into his high heels anymore. So we do climb out the car in walking boots and parkas! Well... The Old Man do flash his leather jacket but it do get wet.

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