Saturday 28 December 2013

The Christmas Zeitgeist... one of angst, I think.
It's just that I have "carefully analysed" the Christmas cards sent to moi and The Old Man (that is... I have arranged them all round the room) and can see that just about every card has a traditional theme (and mucho glitter and sparkle). There is a whole mantelpiece full of Christmas Trees whilst most of the other cards display Robins, Snowmen, Snow Scenes, Nativities and the odd Christmas Pudding.

This year... the witty image-plays, whacky imagery and reproductions of paintings are gone .... No. It's a longing for a Cosy Christmas straight down the line. Aaah my dahlings... How unsafe we do feel in these times.

Bless you all, darlings... and a Happy New Year. We can do it!

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